'Sunrise' (Anacampseros telephiastrum f. variegatum) (De Candolle): A standout container plant. The variegation on this small rosette reveals vibrant pigments of hot pink and apple green that will accent any planting. It is native to the rocky slopes of South Africa where it spreads as a ground cover and tolerates high heat and extended drought.
The fine, white filaments that can grow from its center help it survive droughts by trapping water vapor from the air. Anacampseros tend to like a bit more water than most succulents, but you will know when they are thirsty because their leaves wrinkle slightly.
In cultivation, 'Sunrise' grows well in indoor pots on sunny window sills. This slow grower will stay small but its bright color makes it stand out in arrangements. Each summer, it can produce large, pink flowers that open in the afternoon and close by nightfall.
Source: Mountain Crest Gardens